
How to Share GIFs in Slack with GIPHY

Leveraging GIFs in Slack allows you to make expressing yourself fun for all! Tools like GIPHY make sharing GIFS easy, and fun!
gif slack app giphy
Written by
Swivel Team
Published on
January 12, 2024

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words! While you’ll want to check with your HR and leadership team to confirm GIFs are allowed, using the Giphy app in Slack is a fun way to add animated GIFs to your conversations. Here's how to use it:

  1. Install Giphy in Slack: If Giphy isn't already installed, an admin or owner of your Slack workspace needs to add it. This can be done by going to the Slack App Directory, searching for Giphy, and clicking 'Add to Slack'.
  2. Using Giphy in a Channel or Direct Message: Once Giphy is installed, you can use it in any channel or direct message. Simply type /giphy followed by a keyword or phrase that describes the GIF you want to find. For example, /giphy celebration. Giphy will then show a GIF related to your keyword. If you're not happy with the first result, you can use the 'Shuffle' button to find another GIF that matches your keyword. You can also type /giphy on its own to open a modal and allow you to search there.
  3. Preview and Send: When you use the /giphy command, Slack will show a preview of the GIF. If you like it, you can send it to the channel or direct message.

Remember, the use of GIPHY in a professional setting should always be aligned with your organization's culture and policies on appropriate content.

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